
$1 Sale – Weekend Again | Papers – Elements – Titled 19 | Templates

Pennysaver | Akizo Designs | The Digital Press | Digital Scrapbooking

Hi there! In The Digital Press, we are having a Pennysaver sale! All sale items are just $1.00 during February.
Today, I have added my brand-new Weekend Again | Elements, Weekend Again | Papers and oldie Titled 19 | Templates in the $1.00 sale category 🙂

こんにちは。The Digital Pressでは、今月1か月間、$1.00セールを開催しています。セレクトアイテムが全部1ドルです!
今日は、新発売の、Weekend Again | Elements と、Weekend Again | Papers、そして以前発売した Titled 19 | Templates をセールコーナーに加えました 🙂

Weekend Again | Elements

Weekend Again | Elements by Akizo Designs | Digital Scrapbooking

Weekend Again | Papers

Weekend Again | Papers by Akizo Designs | Digital Scrapbooking

Weekend Again | Elements and Weekend Again | Papers are the sister product of the previously released Weekend | Series. The previous Weekend Collection had a lot of leisurely content, but this time it has a lot of active content such as hometown / neighborhood exploration, excursions, and wandering around. It’s been difficult to go on a long travel these days, and I think many people are enjoying it in their neighborhood or in the local area. After all local is awesome 🙂

Weekend Again | Elementsと、Weekend Again | Papers は、以前発売した Weekend | Series の姉妹プロダクトです。前回のWeekendは、のんびり過ごす系の内容が多めでしたが、今回は、ご近所探検や、小旅行、ぶらぶら放浪などアクティブ系の内容が多めです。最近は長い旅行も難しい情勢ですし、ご近所や地元で楽しんでいらっしゃる方も多いのではないでしょうか。やっぱり地元は良いですよねー 🙂

Wordbits / Quickapages etc. of “Weekend Again” Series will be released sequentially.
If you are Newsletter Subscriber, you can find exclusive bundle and freebies on today’s letter!

“Weekend Again” シリーズの Wordbits、Quickapages などは、順次発売致します。

Titled 19 | Templates

Titled 19 | Templates by Akizo Designs | Digital Scrapbooking

Titled 19 | Templates is a fun design template perfect for a happy new year. It is compatible from 2017 to 2022, so you can enjoy it for a long time. We are planning to make a template for 2023 to 2026 at the end of this year. If you will take it, you will have all the numbers so you can use it forever 🙂 It may be good to make it the cover of the annual album.

Titled 19 | Templates は、幸せな年明けにぴったりな楽しいデザインのテンプレです。2017年から2022年まで対応していますので長く楽しめます。今年の末に2023年から2026年対応のテンプレを作る予定ですので、揃えると数字が全部揃うので永久に使えます 🙂 毎年のアルバムの表紙にすると良いかもです。


Layout Sample of Weekend Again | Elements

Layout Sample of Weekend Again | Elements
Layout Sample of Weekend Again | Elements
Layout by Shannon
Layout Sample of Weekend Again | Elements
Layout by Carrie

Weekend | Collection – 70% OFF

Weekend | Collection by Akizo Designs | Digital Scrapbooking

WEEKEND AGAIN series is the sister product of the previously released Weekend | Series. To commemorate the launch of the WEEKEND AGAIN, Weekend | Series will also be available at a bargain price. If you have both, you can play infinitely invincibly, so please don’t miss it 🙂

WEEKEND AGAIN シリーズは、以前発売した Weekend | Series の姉妹プロダクトです。WEEKEND AGAIN の発売を記念して、 Weekend | Series もお買い得価格にしました!両方揃うと無敵に無限に遊べますので、ぜひどうぞ 🙂

Any other $1 Goodies

Related Freebie

Weekend Again | Freebie 01 by Akizo Designs | Digital Scrapbooking

[12 inch / JPEG and PNG format]

*** The Freebie Has Expired. 配布期間は終了しました ***

*Limited Time Only* *期間限定*

You can see more samples at Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Please upload your layouts also!


Thank you for reading and have a happy scrapping!

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「$1 Sale – Weekend Again | Papers – Elements – Titled 19 | Templates」への1件のフィードバック

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