
$1 Sale – Time For Cake | Alphas – Stitched Confetti

Pennysaver | The Digital Press | Digital Scrapbooking

Hi there! In The Digital Press, we are having a Pennysaver sale! All sale items are just $1.00 during August.
Today, I have added my brand-new Time For Cake | Alphas, Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti and oldie Paper Play 10 | Templates in the $1.00 sale category 🙂

こんにちは。The Digital Pressでは、今月1か月間、$1.00セールを開催しています。セレクトアイテムが全部1ドルです!
今日は、新発売の、Time For Cake | Alphas と、Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti、そして以前発売した Paper Play 10 | Templates をセールコーナーに加えました 🙂

Time For Cake | Alphas

Time For Cake | Alphas by Akizo Designs

Time For Cake | Alphas by Akizo Designs

The title of my new collection is “Time For Cake”. Sometimes / often / every day or when celebrating something you want to eat cakes and sweets, right? These days, I tend to stay home so I have more and more opportunities to eat that, and my smartphone album is full of pictures of sweets 😀 After spoiling myself, look at the pictures and reflect on them. But I will forget tomorrow!

Time For Cake | Alphas released today contains 4 alphabets (1 of which is 4 colors). It has a bright and fun design with strawberries and gloss like gummy candies. I think you can match it with any layout. In addition, only [HAPPY BIRTHDAY] and the number [0-9] have a candle version, so please use it somewhere 🙂

新コレクションのタイトルは「Time For Cake」です。お祝いごとや普段でもケーキや甘いものを食べたい時がありますよね。最近は籠りがちなのでますますそんな機会が多く、スマホのアルバムはお菓子の写真ばっかり 😀 ぱーっと自分を甘やかしたあとは写真を見て反省しつつ、明日には忘れよう~

今日発売の Time For Cake | Alphas には、4種類(そのうちの1種は4色)のアルファベットが入っています。苺がのっていたりグミのようにツヤツヤしていたり、明るく楽しいデザインです。あらゆるレイアウトに合わせて頂けると思います。さらに [HAPPY BIRTHDAY] と、数字 [0-9] のみ、ろうそくバージョンが入っていますので、ぜひどこかで使ってください 🙂

Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti

Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti by Akizo Designs

Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti by Akizo Designs Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti by Akizo Designs

Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti contains 4 types of stitches (2 gradation colors each) with Confetti sewn on. TIFF / PSD / PNG (Ready-To-Use) files can be used as they are without layer settings. And it includes gray stitching, which you can change to any color you like.

 Time For Cake | Stitched Confettiは、コンフェッティを縫いつけたステッチが4種類入っています。それぞれ2色のグラデーションカラーで、TIFF / PSD / PNG(Ready-To-Use)ファイルは、レイヤーセッティングなしでそのまま使えます。それに加え グレー のステッチが入っていて、こちらは好きな色に変更することができます。

Elements / Wordbits / Papers etc. of “Time For Cake” Series will be released sequentially.
If you are Newsletter Subscriber, you can find exclusive bundle and freebies on today’s letter!

“Time For Cake” シリーズの Elements や Wordbits、 Papers などは、順次発売致します。

Inspirations – Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti AND Alphas

Layout Sample of Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti

Layout Sample of Time For Cake | Stitched Confetti

Any other $1 Goodies

In The Box 09 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Titled 09 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Playing With Journal Cards 05 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Paper Play 10 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Paper Play 09 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Titled 08 | Templates by Akizo Designs

Paper Play 07 | Templates by Akizo Designs

You can see more samples at Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Please upload your layouts also!


Thank you for reading and have a happy scrapping!

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